We believe that music programs improve when their directors receive quality instructional feedback and listen to the performances of master music educators. This competition recognizes and awards outstanding performances from exceptional music programs throughout the United States. Entries accepted for concert band, full orchestra, string orchestra, mixed choir, treble choir, boys choir, jazz ensemble, mariachi, and percussion ensemble. It's time to showcase your group!
All groups will receive written and recorded commentary by Nationally acclaimed adjudicators.
The Top 50% of all entries will be named as a National Gold Medalist, National Silver Medalist, or a National Bronze Medalist.
The Top-Ranking performance in each Division will be awarded as a Grand Champion Gold Medalist.
Winners will be posted in a national music publication and all participants will receive a digital compilation recording of the Top 10% winning performances.
A portion of all proceeds fund The ARTS Scholarship Program.
April 14 - Registration Deadline
Before you submit, use the "Print My Registration" option at the bottom of the online registration to print a copy for your records. You will need to include this copy of your online registration when you mail your score.
May 14 - Postmark Deadline to mail one original score of each selection with measures numbered, along with a copy of your online registration.
May 28- Entrants will be emailed a link for uploading your performance recording.
June 14 - Submission Deadline to upload your performance recording.
September 1 - Results posted on the website. Certificates emailed and awards shipped.
Registration Fee:
$100 Per Performing Group (Non-refundable)
Performance Fee:
$275 Per Performing Group
Event Details
Round One Adjudication – The Top 50% of competing groups advance to Round Two.
Round Two Adjudication – In ranking order, the Top 10% are named as National Gold Medalists. For the remaining groups, the upper 50% are named National Silver Medalists, and the remaining are named National Bronze Medalists.
More Info
Adjudication Panels
Grand Champion Gold Medalist – awarded to the highest ranking high school and middle school group in each Division. Each group will receive an award plaque recognizing their accomplishment and each student performer will receive a championship medallion.
Certificates – awarded to each group recognized as a National Bronze Medalist, National Silver Medalist, or National Gold Medalist.
Winning groups – will be posted on The ARTS website every year and become a permanent record of these achievements.
Music Requirements:
Band – two selections (a march may be accepted as one selection)
Orchestra – two selections
Jazz and Mariachi – two compositions of contrasting style
Choral – two selections
Percussion Ensemble – two selections
More Info
Time Allotment:
Band and Orchestra – 35 minutes maximum
Jazz, Mariachi, and Percussion Ensemble– 25 minutes maximum
Choral – 20 minutes maximum
Performance – music required to be from the current school year
Acceptable Editing Practices
Unacceptable Recording Practices
Recording Submission:
1. WAV (Uncompressed); Sample rate: 44, 100 Hz; Stereo; 16-Bit (required)